Monday 30 April 2018

30th April 2018

This week is the Big Sing! The children are really looking forward to this- a letter is being sent home with more information.

In Maths this week we are counting in 2s and beginning to look at simple multiplication as lots of. For example 2 lots of 2 = 4. We will be counting pairs of shoes, socks and 2p coins to help us to become more confident at counting in 2s. As part of your home learning you could encourage your child to practice counting in 2s. Can they hop and count in 2s? Can they count all the shoes and socks counting in 2s? Can you count out 2p coins?

In English we have been reading the story Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. We have been using adjectives to describe the animals in the story and later in the week we will be thinking of our own animals to add to the story.

This week we welcome back Miss Moreton into Mrs Ellis's class. She will be here for the next 8 weeks as part of her teacher training.

With the ever changing weather please remember to send children with a rain coat every day!

Thursday 26 April 2018

23rd April 2018

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the last summer Maths event. We hope you enjoyed the challenge of the trail!

This week in Maths we have met Charlie crocodile- he likes to eat the biggest numbers! We have been comparing amounts and using more than, less than and equal to. As part of your home learning you could compare numbers in the environment. Would Charlie like to eat the number 27 bus or the number 10? Why? 

In English we have been reading animal poems and learning about rhyming words. We created class poems and even had a go at writing our own poems using rhyming words.

This half term our PE will usually be on a Wednesday afternoon- we will try and be outside as much as we can so please remember to send in some suitable outdoor shoes and a PE kit each week.

We are really excited about the Big Sing next Thursday!Please remember to send in a home packed lunch if you didn't order a school packed lunch. The children need to be in school at normal time. 

We have had some lovely donations for the outdoor area - thank you to everyone who has sent something in. We are still in need of donations so if you have any of the following we would be extremely grateful....
  • kitchen role play or old pots, pans and utensils
  • bug hunting equipment
  • plastic toys such as  mini beasts 
  • natural resources such as clean sticks, pine cones, pebbles and different leaves
  • children's gardening tools

Next week we welcome back Miss Morton in to Mrs Ellis's class. She will be with us for the next eight weeks. 

Thursday 19 April 2018

16th April 2018

Welcome back to the final term of year one! We hope you all enjoyed the Easter break.
Image result for sun clipart

With the warmer weather please remember to send children in with a water bottle and with sun cream already applied. Children can bring in their own sun cream (please remember to label it with your child's name) and reapply it themselves before break and lunch time.

This week has been science week and the children are really enjoying it! Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to...


...the children have worked really hard at making predictions and carrying out experiments and tests.

We would like to welcome you all to our final year one Maths Event next Tuesday 24th April at 9am. We will be starting in the school hall- a letter will be sent out this week.

Please can you send in outdoor PE shoes as we are hoping to do PE outside as often as possible (weather depending!)

We are making the most of using the outdoor area. We are still in need of donations so if you have any of the following we would be extremely grateful....

  • toy cars
  • kitchen role play or old pots, pans and utensils
  • bug hunting equipment
  • plastic toys such as dinosaurs and mini beasts 
  • natural resources such as clean sticks, pine cones, pebbles and different leaves
  • children's gardening tools

Thank you to those parents who have sent in photographs of places you have visited in the UK- remember they can be handed in or emailed to and we can add them to our map on the UK.